Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
PI: Robert E. Gerszten, M.D.
- Metabolomic and proteomic profiling of exercise-induced dyspnea
- Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis registry for bariatric surgery patients
- Clinical evaluation of novel markers of myocardial ischemia
- Clinical evaluation of novel markers of myocardial injury
Research Student, 2015-2016
University Hospital Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria, University of La Laguna,Tenerife, Spain
Usefulness of a smartphone-based backup system for therapeutic adherence (Recetapp):
- Teamed with residents in the explanation of the project to prospective participants and in the inclusion of those who accepted into the study. Also partnered with the residents in the data gathering through telephone interviews with the participants, and explained the functioning of the app after setting it up
- Used statistical package SPSS Statistics to analyze the data
- Presented a preliminary report as my final grade project in front of an academicjury
- The project was presented in the Congress of Canary Islands Family Medicine Society (SOCAMFYC)
Research Student, 2015-2016
University Hospital Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria, University of La Laguna,Tenerife, Spain
PI: Manuel Ángel Barrera Gómez, M.D.
EUROSURG-1: Obesity in major gastrointestinal surgery:
- EUROSURG is a European medical student and physician network who collaborate together to run high-quality, multi-center, international studies
- In the EUROSURG-1 project 2519 patients were included across 127 hospitals in 7 countries
- Coordinated with a national and an international committee in charge of the project
- Assessed inclusion and exclusion criteria, and later selected patients and gathered the relevant data for the project. Uploaded all data to the online platform REDCap
- Teamed with resident and attending physicians for the data validation purposes
ECUSA (Spanish Scientists in the USA), Boston, MA 2018 (Present)
Volunteer Member of the Spanish Red Cross 2016 (Present)